Reinforced concrete is much stronger than wood so we can span much larger distances without intermediate supports. Overpasses are made out of reinforced concrete for a reason. We have done "man caves " that are totally buried underground that you can drive over top of them. Think parking garage. That can't be done with wood
In 2000 Amvic was a start up company. By that time I had almost 10 years experience with Icf. I had tried many products and found many problems with them. I followed them for a bit on a chat room and thought what they were offering looked interesting. We ordered a truckload that came from Toronto Canada. We built a 10,000 sq. Ft. House with amvic and was very impressed with it. I let the owner of the company know that I liked working with his product. He invited me to come to the world of concrete in Las Vegas to help out in his booth. I answered most of the technical and code questions for people. I did that for 14 years. It was very interesting to see all the products evolve into what we have today. I have used over 30 different Icfs since the start. I was involved in writing the installation manual for Amvic. Amvic is now a global company and one of only a handful of Icf companies still around.
The Icf industry knew that without qualified installers they couldn't sell their product. Still today there is a lack of qualified Icf installers. Unlike wood, if something is out of wack after the pour you can't just pull nails and fix it. I put together a power point presentation and started doing training classes. I was the western United States trainer for Icf installations. I have trained hundreds of home owners and contractors in the western United States. I did that flying all over the us to do classes. Once my oldest daughter started school and sports I had to shift priorities
With the energy codes becoming more stringent all the time we can meet that need. The processes we use for building exceeds any current code for energy efficiency. With air exchanges , how much air a building leaks per hour ,at 1 or less we can meet any energy code.
Do you have a piece of land that you love but can't get commercial power we can help with that. We have been living without commercial power for over 10 years now. We have learned the most economical and most efficient way to build so living without commercial power is easy Sent from my iPhone